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Free From Sin

Free From Sin
Free From Sin
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Информация об исполнителе
Per Englund and Patrik Lämborg met for the first time while doing the mandatory Swedish military service 1985. Per sang at that time in a band called Blacksmith. Blacksmith had just finished recording their second album-single called "Tomorrows Mistery". The first Blacksmith recording was en EP called "Gypsy Queen".
Per got a demo that Patrik had made a few years earlier (this demo tape also placed Patrik in the highly renowned Guitar Player spotlight column). And that was that, Patrik joined Blacksmith and Blacksmith Mk II was a fact.
Blacksmith Mk II played in the limited Swedish rock scene. They also recorded an EP (1987) with songs like "World Victim" & "Angel". This EP was unfortunately never released since the band parted in 1988 (mainly due to that Patrik got some calls from USA and left to play in America). The EP master tape is unfortunately destroyed and beyond repair....
Per moved on with other bands such as 220 Volt (under the name Voltergaist) during 1992-93, Mandrake Root 1994-98 (4 albums together with the Free From Sin Hammond virtuoso Staffan Stavert). Year 2000 Blacksmith Mark III recorded an album called "Once upon a star".
During 2009-2010 Patrik & Per connected again and decided to record a demo in Patriks home studio. The demo contained new but also a couple of old songs. The demo turned out very well, and again the duo proved that they still can produce great hardrock/metal songs.
The demo was later presented to their good friend and producer Magnus "Mankan” Sedenberg. He thought this would be a great album to make. This of course triggered Per & Patrik with some new energy and they decided to record the album at Pama Records Studios.
Free From Sin is not a religious band, but as thinking human beings there is always room for questions.
If you are Free From Sin, throw the first stone......
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